
Download shadowlands 9.1 for free
Download shadowlands 9.1 for free

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This is where the most dangerous souls were kept as well as the greatest heroes. Explore the infinite dungeon, Torghast Tower of the Damned.Align with one of the four covenants where you are able to accept unique quests, and call upon them as your allies.Enjoy a new player hub called the Oribos, the Eternal City.Offering five major zones which are the Bastion, Ardenweald, Revendreth, Maldraxxus, and the Maw.The Shadowlands is the afterlife of the Warcraft universe. Taking the Helm of Domination from the Lich King, Sylvanas tears it in two, opening a portal to the Shadowlands. Sylvanas Windrunner confronts the Lich King Bolvar Fordragon in the Icecrown Citadel.

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